Characterisation of cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters in E. coli shows that SbtA homologs are functional in this heterologous expression system
G. Dean Price and Susan M. HowittNature
2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115905

Plant science: Towards turbocharged photosynthesis
G. Dean Price and Susan M. HowittNature
2014, DOI: 10.1038/nature13749

A faster Rubisco with potential to increase photosynthesis in crops
Myat T. Lin, Alessandro Occhialini, P. John Andralojc, Martin A. J. Parry & Maureen R. HansonNature
2014, DOI: 10.1038/nature13776

Simultaneous improvement in productivity, water use, and albedo through crop structural modification
Darren T. Drewry, Praveen Kumar, and Stephen P. LongGlobal Change Biology
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Transplastomic integration of a cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporter into tobacco chloroplasts
J. J. L. Pengelly, B. Förster, S. von Caemmerer, M. R. Badger, G. D. Price, and S. M. WhitneyJournal of Experimental Botany
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eru156

Can the cyanobacterial carbon-concentrating mechanism increase photosynthesis in crop species? A theoretical analysis.
Justin M. McGrath and Stephen P. LongPlant Physiology
DOI: 10.1104/pp.113.232611