
Variation in relaxation of non-photochemical quenchingbetween the founder genotypes of the soybean (Glycine max)nested association mapping population
Dhananjay Gotarkar, Anthony Digrado, Yu Wang, Lynn Doran, Ignacio Sparrow-Munoz, Sarah Chung, Nicholas Lisa, Farwah Wasiq, Gerardo Amaro, Bethany Blakely, Brian W. Diers, Daniel J. Eck and Steven J. Burgess
The Plant Journal

Shortcutting photorespiration protects potato photosynthesis and tuber yield against heatwave stress
Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Amanda Cavanagh, Peyton Sorensen, Paul South, Jessica Fowler, Ryan Boyd, Jooyeon Jeong, Steven Burgess, Samantha Stutz, Ryan Dilger, Moonsub Lee, Nick Ferrari, Justin Larkin, Don Ort
Global Change Biology

Have We Selected for Higher Mesophyll Conductance in Domesticating Soybean?
Elena Pelech, Sam Stutz, Yu Wang, Ed Lochocki, Steve Long
Plant, Cell and Environment

Connecting detailed photosynthetic kinetics to crop growth and yield: a coupled modelling framework
Yufeng He, Yu Wang, Douglas Friedel, Meagan Lang, Megan Matthews
in silico Plants

Multiplexed CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis of rice PSBS1 non-coding sequences for transgene-free overexpression
Dhruc Patel-Tupper, Armen Kelikian, Anna Leipertz, Nina Maryn, Michelle Tjahjadi, Nicholad G. Karavolias, Myeong-Je Cho, Kris Niyogi
Science Advances

Engineering the cyanobacterial ATP-driven BCT1 bicarbonate transporter for functional targeting to C3 plant chloroplasts
Sarah Rottet, Loraine Rourke, Isaiah Pabuayon, Su Yin Phua, Suyan Yee, Hiruni Weerasooriya, Xiaozhuo Wang, Himanshu Mehra, Nghiem Nguyen, Benedict Long, James Moroney, Dean Price
Journal of Experimental Botany

Perspectives on improving photosynthesis to increase crop yield
Roberta Croce, Elizabete Carmo-Silva, Young B Cho, Maria Ermakova, Jeremy Harbinson, Tracy Lawson, Alistair J McCormick, Krishna K Niyogi, Donald R Ort, Dhruv Patel-Tupper, Paolo Pesaresi, Christine Raines, Andreas P M Weber, Xin-Guang Zhu
The Plant Cell

Greater mesophyll conductance and leaf photosynthesis in the field through modified cell wall porosity and thickness via AtCGR3 expression in tobacco
Coralie Salesse-Smith, Ed Lochocki, Lynn Doran, Ben Haas, Sam Stutz, Steve Long
Plant Biotechnology Journal

Carbonic anhydrases in the cell wall and plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana are required for optimal plant growth on low CO2
Hiruni Weerasooriya, David Longstreth, Robert DiMario, Viviana Rosati, Brittany Cassel, Jim Moroney
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

A guide to photosynthetic gas exchange measurements: Fundamental principles, best practice and potential pitfalls
Florian Busch, Lisa Ainsworth, Anna Amtmann, Amanda Cavanagh, Steven Driever, John Ferguson, Johannes Kromdijk, Tracy Lawson, Andrew Leakey, Jack Matthews, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Richard Vath, Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, Berkley Walker, Maria Papanatsiou
Plant, Cell & Environment

Reducing chlorophyll levels in seed-filling stages results in higher seed nitrogen without impacting canopy carbon assimilation
Young B. Cho, Ryan A. Boyd, Yudong Ren, Moon-Sub Lee, Sarah I. Jones, Ursula M. Ruiz-Vera, Justin M. McGrath, Michael D. Masters, Donald R. Ort
Plant, Cell & Environment

The Experimentalist’s Guide to Machine Learning for Small Molecule Design
Sarah Lindley, Yiyang Lu, Diwakar Shukla
Applied Bio Materials

Quantifying Contributions of Different Factors to Canopy Photosynthesis in 2 Maize Varieties: Development of a Novel 3D Canopy Modeling Pipeline
Qingfeng Song. Fusang Liu, Hongyi Bu, Xinguang Zhu
Plant Phenomics

Is chloroplast size optimal for photosynthetic efficiency?
Katarzyna Glowacka, Johannes Kromdijk, Coralie Salesse-Smith, Caitlin Smith, Steven M. Driever, Stephen Long
New Phytologist

Quantifying Contributions of Different Factors to Canopy Photosynthesis in 2 Maize Varieties: Development of a Novel 3D Canopy Modeling Pipeline
Qingfeng Song, Fusang Liu, Hongyi Bu, Xin-Guang Zhu
Plant Phenomics

Impact of pod and seed photosynthesis on seed filling and canopy carbon gain in soybean
Young B Cho, Samantha Stuttz, Sarah I Jones, Yu Wang, Elena A Pelech, & Don Ort
Plant Physiology

Transgenic strategies to improve the thermotolerance of photosynthesis
Amanda Cavanagh & Don Ort
Photosynthesis Research

LCIB functions as a carbonic anhydrase: evidence from yeast and Arabidopsis carbonic anhydrase knockout mutants
Remmy W Kasili, Ashwani Rai, James Moroney
Photosynth Res.

Seasonal climate conditions impact the effectiveness of improving photosynthesis to increase soybean yield
Yufeng He and Megan Matthews
Field Crops Research

Dynamic responses of carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance in the future climate
Amanda De Souza
Journal of Experimental Botany

The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast envelope protein LCIA transports bicarbonate in planta
Britta Förster et. al, Full list of authors in summary

Towards engineering a hybrid carboxysome
Nghiem Dinh Nguyen, Sacha B. Pulsford, Wei Yi Hee, Benjamin D. Rae, Loraine M. Rourke, G. Dean Price, Benedict M. Long
Photosynthesis Research

Calvin cycle and guard cell metabolism impact stomatal function
Pauline Lemonnier, Tracy Lawson
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology

Escherichia coli expressing chloroplast chaperones as a proxy to test heterologous Rubisco production in leaves
Sally Buck, Tim Rhodes, Matteo Gionfriddo, Tanya Skinner, Ding Yuan, Rosemary Birch, Maxim V Kapralov, Spencer M Whitney
Journal of Experimental Botany

Evaluation of the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the growth of cassava storage roots by destructive harvests and ground penetrating radar scanning approaches
Ursula Ruiz-Vera, Riley Balikian, Timothy Larson, Don Ort
Plant, Cell & Environment

Increased bundle-sheath leakiness of CO2 during photosynthetic induction shows a lack of coordination between the C4 and C3 cycles
Yu Wang, Samantha S. Stutz, Carl J. Bernacchi, Ryan A. Boyd, Donald R. Ort
New Phytologist

Anatomical determinants of gas exchange and hydraulics vary with leaf shape in soybean
Bishal Tamang, Yanqun Zhang, Michelle Zambrano, Elizabeth Ainsworth
Annals of Botany

High-throughput Analysis of Non-Photochemical Quenching in Crops using Pulse Amplitude Modulated Chlorophyll Fluorometry
Dhananjay Gotarkar, Lynn Doran, Meghan Burns, Abigail Hinkle, Johannes Kromdijk, Steven J. Burgess

Soybean photosynthesis and crop yield are improved by accelerating recovery from photoprotection
Amanda P. De Souza, Steven J. Burgess, Lynn Doran, Jeffrey Hansen, Lusya Manukyan, Nina Maryn, Dhananjay Gotarkar, Lauribeth Leonelli, Krishna K. Niyogi, Stephen P. Long

Guard-cell-targeted overexpression of Arabidopsis Hexokinase 1 can improve water use efficiency in field-grown tobacco plants
Liana G Acevedo-Siaca, Katarzyna Głowacka, Steven M Driever, Coralie E Salesse-Smith,Nitsan Lugassi, David Granot, Stephen P Long, Johannes Kromdijk
Journal of Experimental Botany

An integrated isotopic labeling and freeze sampling apparatus (ILSA) to support sampling leaf metabolomics at a centi-second scale
Qiming Tang, Qingfeng Song, Xiaoxiang Ni, Zai Shi, Genyun Chen, Xinguang Zhu
Plant Methods

A Rapid Method for Detecting Normal or Modified Plant and Algal Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ashwani Rai, Robert DiMario, Remmy Kasili, Michael Groszmann, Asaph Cousins, David Donze, Jim Moroney

Field-grown ictB tobacco transformants show no difference in photosynthetic efficiency for biomass relative to wildtype
Ursula M. Ruiz-Vera, Liana G. Acevedo-Siaca, Kenny L. Brown, Chidi Afamefule, Hussein Gherli, Andrew J. Simkin, Stephen P. Long, Tracy Lawson, Christine Raines
Journal of Experimental Botany
Mesophyll conductance is unaffected by expression of Arabidopsis PIP1 aquaporins in the plasmalemma of Nicotiana
Victoria C. Clarke, Annamaria De Rosa, Baxter Massey, Aleu Mani George, John R. Evans, Susanne von Caemmerer, Michael Groszmann
Journal of Experimental Botany

Partially functional NARROW LEAF1 balances leaf photosynthesis and plant architecture for greater rice yield
Xiang Ouyang, Xiaoyu Zhong, Shuoqi Chang, Qian Qian, Yuzhu Zhang, Xinguang Zhu
Plant Physiology

Cowpea leaf width correlates with above ground biomass across diverse environments
Anthony Digrado, Emmanuel Gonzalez-Escobar, Nicole Owston, Rhiannon Page, Saba Baba Mohammed, Muhammad Lawan Umar, Ousmane Boukar, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Elizabete Carmo-Silva
Legume Science

Advances in field-based high-throughput photosynthetic phenotyping
Peng Fu, Christopher M Montes, Matthew H Siebers, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Justin M McGrath, Elizabeth A Ainsworth, Carl J Bernacchi
Journal of Experimental Botany

Design and Analysis of Native Photorespiration Gene Motifs of Promoter Untranslated Region Combinations Under Short Term Abiotic Stress Conditions
Debarati Basu, Paul F. South
frontiers in Plant Science

Two major metabolic factors for an efficient NADP-malic enzyme type C4 photosynthesis
Honglong Zhao, Yu Wang, Ming-Ju Amy Lyu, Xin-Guang Zhu
Plant Physiology

Faster than expected Rubisco deactivation in shade reduces cowpea photosynthetic potential in variable light conditions
Samuel H. Taylor, Emmanuel Gonzalez-Escobar, Rhiannon Page, Martin A. J. Parry, Stephen P. Long, Elizabete Carmo-Silva
Nature Plants

Here comes the sun: How optimization of photosynthetic light reactions can boost crop yields
Julia Walter, Johannes Kromdijk
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology

Alternative pathway to photorespiration protects growth and productivity at elevated temperatures in a model crop
Amanda P. Cavanagh, Paul F. South, Carl J. Bernacchi, Donald R. Ort
The Plant Biotechnology Journal

Soybean-BioCro: a semi-mechanistic model of soybean growth
Megan L Matthews, Amy Marshall-Colón, Justin M McGrath, Edward B Lochocki, Stephen P Long
in silico Plants

Drought imprints on crops can reduce yield loss: Nature's insights for food security
Peng Fu, Deepak Jaiswal, Justin M. McGrath, Shaowen Wang, Stephen P. Long, Carl J. Bernacchi
Food and Energy Security

Towards a dynamic photosynthesis model to guide yield improvement in C4 crops
Yu Wang, Kher Xing Chan, Stephen P. Long
The Plant Journal

Mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases are needed for optimal photosynthesis at low CO2 levels in Chlamydomonas
Ashwani Rai, Timothy Chen, Jim Moroney
Plant Physiology

Rubisco proton production can drive the elevation of CO2 within condensates and carboxysomes
Benedict M. Long, Britta Förster, Sacha B. Pulsford, G. Dean Price, Murray R. Badger
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: from enzymes to ecosystems.
Caitlin E. Moore, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Pauline Lemonnier, Rebecca A. Slattery, Claire Benjamin, Carl J. Bernacchi, Tracy Lawson, Amanda P. Cavanagh
Journal of Experimental Botany

Technologies to deliver food and climate security through agriculture
Peter Horton, Stephen P. Long, Pete Smith, Stephen A. Banwart, David J. Beerling
Nature Plants

Perspectives on improving light distribution and light use efficiency in crop canopies
Rebecca A. Slattery, Donald R. Ort
Plant Physiology

Variation between rice accessions in photosynthetic induction in flag leaves and underlying mechanisms
Liana G. Acevedo-Siaca, Robert Coe, W. Paul Quick, Stephen P. Long
Journal of Experimental Botany

The inverse relationship between solar-induced fluorescence yield and photosynthetic capacity: benefits for field phenotyping
Peng Fu, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Matthew H Siebers, Carl J Bernacchi
Journal of Experimental Botany

High sink strength prevents photosynthetic down-regulation in cassava grown at elevated CO2 concentration
Ursula M. Ruiz-Vera, Amanda P. De Souza, Michael R. Ament, Roslyn M. Gleadow, Donald R. Ort
Journal of Experimental Botany

Insights into the regulation of the expression pattern of Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle enzymes in C3 and C4 grasses
Chidi Afamefule and Christine Raines
Frontiers of Plant Science

Decomposition analysis on soybean productivity increase under elevated CO2 using 3-D canopy model reveals synergestic effects of CO2 and light in photosynthesis
Qingfeng Song, Venkatraman Srinivasan, Steve P Long, Xin-Guang Zhu
Anals of Botany

During photosynthetic induction, biochemical and stomatal limitations differ between Brassica crops
Samuel H. Taylor, Douglas J. Orr, Elizabete Carmo-Silva, and Stephen P. Long
Plant, Cell & Environment

Assessing diversity in canopy architecture, photosynthesis, and water‐use efficiency in a cowpea magic population
Anthony Digrado, Noah G. Mitchell, Christopher M. Montes, Paulina Dirvanskyte, and Elizabeth A. Ainsworth
Food and Energy Security

Light, Not Age, Underlies the Maladaptation of Maize and Miscanthus Photosynthesis to Self-Shading
Robert F. Collison, Emma C. Raven, Charles P. Pignon, and Steven P. Long
frontiers in Plant Science

Stimulating photosynthetic processes increases productivity and water-use efficiency in the field
Patricia E. López-Calcagno, Kenny L. Brown, Andrew J. Simkin, Stuart J. Fisk, Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, Tracy Lawson, and Christine A. Raines
Nature Plants

An isoleucine residue improves Rubisco activase activity at high temperatures by 30%
Gustaf E. Degen, Dawn Worrall, and Elizabete Carmo-Silva
The Plant Journal

Plot-level rapid screening for photosynthetic parameters using proximal hyperspectral imaging
Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Peng Fu, Jin Wu, Shawn Serbin, Christopher M Montes, Elizabeth Ainsworth, Kaiyu Guan, Evan Dracup, Taylor Pederson, Steven Driever, and Carl Bernacchi
Journal of Experimental Botany

Variation in photosynthetic induction between rice accessions and its potential for improving productivity
Liana G. Acevedo‐Siaca, Robert Coe, Yu Wang, Johannes Kromdijk, W. Paul Quick, and Stephen P. Long
New Phytologist

Photosynthesis in the fleeting shadows: An overlooked opportunity for increasing crop productivity?
Yu Wang, Steven Burgess, Elsa de Becker, Stephen Long
Plant Journal

Estimating photosynthetic traits from reflectance spectra: A synthesis of spectral indices, numerical inversion, and partial least square regression
Peng Fu, Katherine Meacham‐Hensold, Kaiyu Guan, Jin Wu, and Carl Bernacchi
Plant, Cell & Environment

Photosynthetic efficiency and mesophyll conductance are unaffected in Arabidopsis thaliana aquaporin knock-out lines
Johannes Kromdijk, Katarzyna Głowacka, and Stephen Long
Journal of Experimental Botany

Genetic strategies for improving crop yields
Julia Bailey-Serres, Jane E. Parker, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Giles E. D. Oldroyd, and Julian I. Schroeder

Photosynthesis across African cassava germplasm is limited by Rubisco and mesophyll conductance at steady‐state, but by stomatal conductance in fluctuating light
Amanda P. De Souza, Yu Wang, Douglas J. Orr, Elizabete Carmo‐Silva, and Stephen P. Long
New Phytologist

Thylakoid localized bestrophin-like proteins are essential for the CO2 concentrating mechanism of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Ananya Mukherjee, Chun Lau, Charlotte Walker, Ashwani Rai, Camille Prejean, Gary Yates, Thomas Emrich-Mills, Spencer Lemoine, David Vinyard, Luke Mackinder, and James V. Moroney
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Hyperspectral leaf reflectance as proxy for photosynthetic capacities: An ensemble approach based on multiple machine learning algorithms
Peng Fu, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Kaiyu Guan, and Carl J Bernacchi
Frontiers in Plant Science

High-throughput field phenotyping using hyperspectral reflectance and partial least squares regression (PLSR) reveals genetic modifications to photosynthetic capacity
Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Christopher Montes, Jin Wu, Kaiyu Guan, Peng Fu, Elizabeth Ainsworth, Taylor Pederson, Caitlin Moore, Kenny Brown, Christine Raines, and Carl Bernacchi
Remote Sensing of Environment

Carbon assimilation in crops at high temperatures
Rebecca A. Slattery and Donald R. Ort
Plant, Cell & Environment

Predicting light-induced stomatal movements based on the redox state of plastoquinone: Theory and validation
Johannes Kromdijk, Katarzyna Głowacka, and Stephen P. Long
Photosynthesis Research

Feeding the world: Improving photosynthetic efficiency for sustainable crop production
Andrew J. Simkin, Patricia E. López-Calcagno, and Christine A. Raines
Journal of Experimental Botany

Synthetic glycolate metabolism pathways stimulate crop growth and productivity in the field
Paul F. South, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Helen W. Liu, and Donald R. Ort

BSD2 is a Rubisco specific assembly chaperone, forms intermediary hetero‐oligomeric complexes and is non‐limiting to growth in tobacco
Brendon Conlan, Rosemary Birch, Celine Kelso, Sophie Holland, Amanda P. De Souza, Stephen P. Long, Jennifer L. Beck, and Spencer M. Whitney
Plant, Cell & Environment

Carboxysome encapsulation of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco in tobacco chloroplasts
Benedict M. Long, Wei Yih Hee, Robert E. Sharwood, Benjamin D. Rae, Sarah Kaines, Yi-Leen Lim, Nghiem D. Nguyen, Baxter Massey, Soumi Bala, Susanne von Caemmerer, Murray R. Badger, and G. Dean Price
Nature Communications

Overexpressing the H‐protein of the glycine cleavage system increases biomass yield in glasshouse and field grown transgenic tobacco plants
Patricia E. Lopez‐Calcagno, Stuart Fisk, Kenny L. Brown, Simon E. Bull, Paul F. South, and Christine A. Raines
Plant Biotechnology Journal

Toward improving photosynthesis in cassava: Characterizing photosynthetic limitations in four current African cultivars
Amanda P. De Souza and Stephen P. Long
Food and Energy Security

Photosystem II Subunit S overexpression increases the efficiency of water use in a field-grown crop
Katarzyna Głowacka, Johannes Kromdijk, Katherine Kucera, Jiayang Xie, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Lauriebeth Leonelli, Andrew D. B. Leakey, Donald R. Ort, Krishna K. Niyogi, and Stephen P. Long
Nature Communications

An improved Escherichia coli screen for Rubisco identifies a protein–protein interface that can enhance CO2-fixation kinetics
Robert H. Wilson, Elena Martin-Avila, Carly Conlan, and Spencer M. Whitney
Journal of Biological Chemistry

Chlorophyll can be reduced in crop canopies with little penalty to photosynthesis
Berkley J. Walker, Darren T. Drewry, Rebecca A. Slattery, Andy VanLoocke, Young B. Cho, and Donald R. Ort
Plant Physiology

Identification and characterization of a solute carrier, CIA8, involved in inorganic carbon acclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Marylou C. Machingura, Joanna Bajsa-Hirschel, Susan M. Laborde, Joshua B. Schwartzenburg, Bratati Mukherjee, Ananya Mukherjee, Steve V. Pollock, Britta örster, G. Dean Price, and James V. Moroney
Journal of Experimental Botany

Progress and challenges of engineering a biophysical CO2-concentrating mechanism into higher plants
Benjamin D. Rae, Benedict M. Long, Britta Förster, Nghiem D. Nguyen, Christos N. Velanis, Nicky Atkinson, Wei Yih Hee, Bratati Mukherjee, G. Dean Price, and Alistair J. McCormick
Journal of Experimental Botany

Arabidopsis CP12 mutants have reduced levels of phosphoribulokinase and impaired function of the Calvin–Benson cycle
Patricia López-Calcagno, Omar Abuzaid, Tracy Lawson, and Christine Raines
Journal of Experimental Biology

Photosynthesis, light use efficiency, and yield of reduced-chlorophyll soybean mutants in field conditions
Rebecca A. Slattery, Andy VanLoocke, Carl J. Bernacchi, Xin-Guang Zhu, and Donald R. Ort
Frontiers in Plant Science

The many types of carbonic anhydrases in photosynthetic organisms
Robert J. DiMario, Marylou C. Machingura, Grover L. Waldrop, and James V. Moroney
Plant Science

Components of mesophyll resistance and their environmental responses: A theoretical modeling analysis
Yi Xiao and Xin-Guang Zhu
Plant, Cell & Environment

The impact of modifying photosystem antenna size on canopy photosynthetic efficiency
Qingfeng Song, Yu Wang, Mingnan Qu, Donald R. Ort, and Xinguang Zhu
Plant, Cell & Environment

Development of a three-dimensional ray-tracing model of sugarcane canopy photosynthesis and its application in assessing impacts of varied row spacing
Yu Wang, Qingfeng Song, Deepak Jaiswal, Amanda P. de Souza, Stephen P. Long, and Xin-Guang Zhu
BioEnergy Research

Measuring CO2 and HCO3 − permeabilities of isolated chloroplasts using a MIMS-18O approach
Dimitri Tolleter, Vincent Chochois, Richard Poiré, G. Dean Price, and Murray R. Badger
Journal of Experimental Botany

The role of sink strength and nitrogen availability in the down-regulation of photosynthetic capacity in field-grown Nicotiana tabacum L. at elevated CO2 concentration
Ursula M. Ruiz-Vera, Amanda P. De Souza, Stephen P. Long, and Donald R. Ort
Frontiers in Plant Science

Bile acid sodium symporter BASS6 can transport glycolate and is involved in photorespiratory metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana
Paul F. South, Berkley J. Walker, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Vivien Rolland, Murray Badger, and Donald R. Ort
Plant Cell

Plant carbonic anhydrases: Structures, locations, evolution, and physiological roles
Robert J. DiMario, Harmony Clayton, Ananya Mukherjee, Martha Ludwig, and James V. Moroney
Molecular Plant

A robust protocol for efficient generation, and genomic characterization of insertional mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Steve V. Pollock, Bratati Mukherjee, Joanna Bajsa-Hirschel, Marylou C. Machingura, Ananya Mukherjee, Arthur R. Grossman, and James V. Moroney
Plant Methods

Uncertainty in measurements of the photorespiratory CO2 compensation point and its impact on models of leaf photosynthesis
Berkley J. Walker, Douglas J. Orr, Elizabete Carmo-Silva, Martin A. J. Parry, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Donald R. Ort
Photosynthesis Research

Improving photosynthesis and crop productivity by accelerating recovery from photoprotection
Johannes Kromdijk, Katarzyna Głowacka, Lauriebeth Leonelli, Stéphane T. Gabilly, Masakazu Iwai, Krishna K. Niyogi, and Stephen P. Long

Decreasing, not increasing, leaf area will raise crop yields under global atmospheric change
Venkatraman Srinivasan, Praveen Kumar, and Stephen P. Long
Global Change Biology

Rooting for cassava: insights into photosynthesis and associated physiology as a route to improve yield potential
Amanda P. De Souza, Lynnicia N. Massenburg, Deepak Jaiswal, Siyuan Cheng, Rachel Shekar, and Stephen P. Long
New Phytologist

Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana for rapid functional analysis of genes involved in non-photochemical quenching and carotenoid biosynthesis
Lauriebeth Leonelli, Erika Erickson, Dagmar Lyska, and Krishna Niyogi
Plant Journal

Genetic and physiological diversity in the leaf photosynthetic capacity of soybean
Kazuma Sakodaa, Yu Tanaka, Stephen P. Long, and Tatsuhiko Shiraiwa
Crop Science

Surveying Rubisco diversity and temperature response to improve crop photosynthetic efficiency
Douglas Orr, André Alcântara, Maxim Kapralov, John Andralojc, Elizabete Carmo-Silva, and Martin A. J. Parry
Plant Physiology

Light sheet microscopy reveals more gradual light attenuation in light-green versus dark-green soybean leaves
Rebecca A. Slattery, Aleel K. Grennan, Mayandi Sivaguru, Rosangela Sozzani, and Donald R. Ort
Journal of Experimental Botany

Physiological evidence for plasticity in glycolate/glycerate transport during photorespiration
Berkley J. Walker, Paul F. South, and Donald R. Ort
Photosynthesis Research

Cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism components: Function and prospects for plant metabolic engineering
Benedict M. Long, Benjamin D. Rae, Vivien Rolland, Britta Förster, and G. Dean Price
Current Opinion in Plant Biology

Regulation and levels of the thylakoid K+ /H+ Antiporter KEA3 shape the dynamic response of photosynthesis in fluctuating light
Ute Armbruster, Lauriebeth Leonelli, Viviana Correa Galvis, Deserah Strand, Erica Quinn, Martin Jonikas, and Krishna Niyogi
Plant and Cell Physiology

An improved approach for measuring the impact of multiple CO2 conductances on the apparent photorespiratory CO2 compensation point through slope–intercept regression
Berkley J. Walker, Dane C. Skabelund, Florian A. Busch, and Donald R. Ort
Plant, Cell & Environment

One crop breeding cycle from starvation? How engineering crop photosynthesis for rising CO2 and temperature could be one important route to alleviation
Johannes Kromdijk and Stephen P. Long
Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences

Plants in silico: Why, why now and what?—an integrative platform for plant systems biology research
Xin-Guang Zhu, Jonathan P. Lynch, David S. LeBauer, Andrew J. Millar, Mark Stitt, and Stephen P. Long
Plant, Cell & Environment

An evaluation of new and established methods to determine T-DNA copy number and homozygosity in transgenic plants.
Katarzyna Głowacka, Johannes Kromdijk, Lauriebeth Leonelli, Krishna K. Niyogi, Tom E. Clemente, and Stephen P. Long
Plant, Cell & Environment

Redirecting the cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters BicA and SbtA to the chloroplast envelope: soluble and membrane cargos need different chloroplast targeting signals in plants
Vivien Rolland, Murray R. Badger, and G. D. Price
Frontiers in Plant Science

The costs of photorespiration to food production now and in the future
Berkley J. Walker, Andy VanLoocke, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Donald R. Ort
Annual Review of Plant Biology

Rubisco catalytic properties of wild and domesticated relatives provide scope for improving wheat photosynthesis
Anneke Prins, Douglas J. Orr, P. John Andralojc, Matthew P. Reynolds, Elizabete Carmo-Silva, and Martin A. J. Parry
Journal of Experimental Botany Advance Access

Pharoah’s dream revisited: An integrated U.S. Midwest field research network for climate adaptation
David Gustafson, Michael Hayes, Emily Janssen, David B. Lobell, Stephen Long, Gerald C. Nelson, Himadri B. Pakrasi, Peter Raven, G. Philip Robertson, Richard Robertson, and Donald Wuebbles

Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand
Donald R. Ort, Sabeeha S. Merchant, Jean Alric, Alice Barkan, Robert E. Blankenship, Ralph Bock, Roberta Croce, et al.

Improved method for measuring the apparent CO2 photocompensation point resolves the impact of multiple internal conductances to CO2 to net gas exchange
Berkley J. Walker and Donald R. Ort
Plant, Cell & Environment

Meeting the global food demand of the future by engineering crop photosynthesis and yield potential
Stephen P. Long, A. Marshall-Colon, and X. G. Zhu

Improving recombinant Rubisco biogenesis, plant photosynthesis and growth by coexpressing its ancillary RAF1 chaperone
Spencer M. Whitney, Rosemary Birch, Celine Kelso, Jennifer L. Beck, and Maxim V. Kapralov

Simultaneous improvement in productivity, water use, and albedo through crop structural modification
Darren T. Drewry, Praveen Kumar, and Stephen P. Long
Global Change Biology

Transplastomic integration of a cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporter into tobacco chloroplasts
J. J. L. Pengelly, B. Förster, S. von Caemmerer, M. R. Badger, G. D. Price, and S. M. Whitney
Journal of Experimental Botany

Can the cyanobacterial carbon-concentrating mechanism increase photosynthesis in crop species? A theoretical analysis.
Justin M. McGrath and Stephen P. Long
Plant Physiology

e-photosynthesis: a comprehensive dynamic mechanistic model of C3 photosynthesis from light capture to sucrose synthesis
Xin-Guang Zhu, Yu Wang, Donald R. Ort, and Stephen P. Long
Plant, Cell & Environment