Photorespiratory Bypass

Rubisco is the main enzyme that is responsible for capturing carbon dioxide and turning it into sugars for the plant. Turns out, that while Rubisco is one of the most vital components of photosynthesis—it’s not very good at its job in most crops such as cowpeas, soybeans, and rice. About 35 percent of the time, Rubisco tries to fix oxygen instead of carbon dioxide. This error produces a carbon compound called glycolate that the plant must recycle to salvage a portion of carbon that can be used in photosynthesis. This recovery process, however, costs the plant a large amount of energy. The RIPE team has created a shorter recovery pathway, conserving energy and resources that the plant can reinvest to increase crop productivity by as much as 40 percent, according to work published in Science in 2019. Right now our team is translating these findings to key food crops including potatoes and soybean. 

Doug Allen
Javier Atayde
Kwangryul Baek
Jose Barrero_headshot
Amanda Cavanagh
Gonzalo Estavillo
Sai Gundeboina
Jooyeon Jeong headshot
Yong-Su Jin
Sarah I. Jones
Helen Le
Donald Ort
Sam Stutz
Sherinmol Thomas
A cartoon yellow potato has had its skin peeled to form a bikini. It is wearing sunglasses and lounging on an orange beach chair, its arms folded behind its head. The peeled skin lays nearby in a coil. The chair is in the sand with the ocean and sun in the background.

RIPE 'hot potato' research appears in Scientific American

RIPE's Katherine Meacham-Hensold was interviewed for an article in Scientific American about her research looking at shortcutting the photorespiration process in potato.

Light green background with the text RIPE 2025 Social Media Countdown and the RIPE logo featuring a leaf and the words RIPE Realzing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency

RIPE 2024 Top Stories of the Year Countdown

During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, the RIPE social media pages counted down the top five stories of the year. See the countdown in its entirety here.

Doug Allen (background) helps a fellow researcher (foreground) examine a plant with tiny leaves.

The underappreciated role of pods and siliques to developing seeds

Research overseen by RIPE's Doug Allen discovered that plant pods support seed development and higher yields, playing a significant role in photosynthesis. Their work was recently published in Science Advances.

Researchers weren't sure how the potatoes would respond to the high temperatures, but harvest showed the modified potatoes grew 30% more mass than the control potatoes.

Climate-ready crop: RIPE team shows increase in food mass through photorespiratory bypass in elevated temperatures

A team from the University of Illinois has engineered potato to be more resilient to global warming showing 30% increases in tuber mass under heatwave conditions. This adaptation may provide greater food security for families dependent on potatoes, as these are often the same areas where the changing climate has already affected multiple crop seasons. Their work was recently published in Global Change Biology

Young Cho kneels surrounded by plants in a field trial

Researchers improve seed nitrogen content by reducing plant chlorophyll levels

Chlorophyll plays a pivotal role in photosynthesis, but it uses a lot of a plant's resources. RIPE researchers wondered if they reduced a plant's chlorophyll levels, if the plant would invest those resources in other areas, potentially improving nutritional quality or yield. Their findings were recently published in the Plant, Cell & Environment journal.

thumbnail_Paul South Gene Motifs EurekAlert

RIPE team develops toolkit for synthetic biology

A team from Louisiana State University (LSU) has developed a number of synthetic biology tools for plant geneticists to use to drive the expression of genes.