RIPE 2023 Social Media Countdown 5. RIPE featured by BBC Business 4. Rubisco Regulation Review 3. Niyogi Lab CRISPR Work 2. RIPE Shortlisted for THE Award 1. Steve Long TED Talk

RIPE 2023 Top Social Media Post Countdown

To reflect on the last year, we compiled a list of the Top 5 Social Media posts of 2023 and counted them down during the final week of the year. If you missed one, don’t worry, you’ll find them all here.

Nguyen Ha, RIPE's Fall 2023 Science Communications Intern

My RIPE Communications Internship Experience – Nguyen Ha

RIPE's Fall 2023 science communication intern Nguyen Ha reflects on her time with the project.

A teal backdrop, textured in the middle. Top bar FAO, World Food Day, Water is Life Water is Food, separated by rain drops. Left column What does water mean to you? Right column “Water availability is the thing that limits food production more than anything else in the world.” - Andrew Leakey, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. A picture of Andrew Leakey sitting at a desk is in the center of the image.

What does water mean to you, Andrew Leakey?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) created a day to bring awareness to world hunger and food called World Food Day, and this year's theme is water.  We asked two of our researchers working on water-use efficiency what water means to them, this is Andrew Leakey's answer.

A teal backdrop, textured in the middle. Top bar FAO, World Food Day, Water is Life Water is Food, separated by rain drops. Left column What does water mean to you? Right column “Water is liquid gold.” - Tracy Lawson, University of Essex. A picture of Tracy Lawson surrounded by plants is in the middle of the image.

What does water mean to you, Tracy Lawson?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) created a day to bring awareness to world hunger and food called World Food Day, and this year's theme is water.  We asked two of our researchers working on water-use efficiency what water means to them, this is Tracy Lawson's answer.

There are two side profiles of people facing the center of the image, a white person facing right and a black person facing left. The bottom of their faces are water, the top of their heads are crop fields. Their eyes and noses are normal. The words from the top, 16 October 2023, World Food Day. Water is Life. Water is Food. Bottom center Leave no on behind.

World Food Day 2023

RIPE is recognizing World Food Day, and this year’s theme, by featuring some of our research that could help make crops use water more efficiently, which would improve yields in areas where fresh water is a scarce resource.

A picture of Nguyen Ha with a green border. Words "Nguyen Ha, RIPE Science Communication Intern Fall 2023" on the bottom. "RIPE Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency" at the top.

Meet Nguyen Ha, RIPE Science Communications Intern, Fall 2023

This fall, RIPE will be joined by Nguyen Ha as our newest science communications intern! Read here to learn more about her and the projects she will be working on this semester!

Emily Campos profesional headshot with a green background.

My RIPE Communications Internship Experience – Emily Campos

RIPE's Spring/Summer science communication intern Emily Campos reflects on her time with the project.

Five RIPE researchers in a line in their lab coats.

RIPE Women's History Month Recap

Throughout March, RIPE celebrated Women’s History Month by getting to know the history of some of our women researchers. Their journeys, accomplishments, and advice to other women in STEM were captured in a series of features promoted on our website and social media platforms. If you missed a profile, or want to read one again, all the features can be found below!

Larissa Larocca de Souza in front of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Larissa Larocca de Souza: RIPE Women's History Month Feature

Larissa Larocca de Souza believes that to be successful in a STEM career you must be endlessly curious and work with people who inspire and challenge you. She encourages girls and women wanting to get involved in STEM to seek out mentors who can share their experiences and show what women can achieve in the sciences.

Read more about Larissa's inspirations and advice for others in our final Women's History Month feature.

Elizabete Carmo-Silva in her lab.

Elizabete Carmo-Silva: RIPE Women's History Month Feature

She dreamt that I could study as much as I wanted and have a different future,” Elizabete Carmo-Silva said, speaking of her mother, who was needed at the family farm growing up and had to stop her education after 4th grade. Carmo-Silva's journey to becoming a professor at Lancaster University was influenced by her mother's sacrifice, and she feels incredibly lucky to have her family to inspire and support her.

Read more about Elizabete's journey and her advice for others to help breakdown societal stereotypes in the latest RIPE Women's History Month Feature.

Yu Wang front left, with a colleague and research equipment in the background.

Yu Wang: RIPE Women's History Month Feature Story

“Follow your heart and share your knowledge," has been Yu Wang's motto throughout her career. She wants to share this message with other women and girls interested in STEM and offers her advice in our latest Women's History Month feature.

Christine Raines seated between two research tables in a lab.

Christine Raines: RIPE Women's History Month Feature Story

Christine Raines always knew she would be involved in STEM, but didn't have many women scientist role models to look up to. She knew she could develop her own path in STEM and inspire other women to do the same.

Shellie Wall in her graduation regalia

Shellie Wall: RIPE Women's History Month Feature Story

During this Women’s History Month, RIPE will be celebrating a number of our women researchers, their accomplishments, and their advice to other women in STEM. Our next feature is on Essex Senior Research Officer, Shellie Wall.

Amanda Cavanagh in a white lab coat in a lab setting.

Amanda Cavanagh: RIPE Women's History Month Feature Story

During this Women’s History Month, RIPE will be celebrating a number of our women researchers, their accomplishments, and their advice to other women in STEM. Our first feature is on Essex Lecturer, Amanda Cavanagh.

Chloe Gilder

My RIPE Communications Internship Experience - Chloe Gilder

Our Fall 2022 science communication intern, Chloe Gilder, reflected on her experience as a member of the RIPE team, her favorite moments of her internship, and offered advice for future interns.